Saturday, October 29, 2011

so tired!

Today at work they are remodeling the kitchen I am working in so things are crazy at my job.  I adore all the awesome people I work with.  They definitely help make the process easier!

Before I went to work I did picked up some pumpkins to carve for Halloween (the most awesome holiday EVER).  Saturday night I'll be attending a not-so-racist Halloween party.  I'll have to come up with a costume before I work tomorrow.  I get off at 11:30 pm and will probably go straight to the party after that.  For actual Halloween, my roommates and I are planning on staying in and handing out candy and doing witchy things like reading our star charts and playing with a Ouija board.

I'm going to finish my glass of vermouth and go to bed.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Parts 2 and 3 of the Birthday Weekend

Despite the huge disappointment of Saturday, I still had a pretty good birthday.  I spent all of Saturday moping and listening to Ani DiFranco then my friend Annie came over that night.  She had a grumpy day too so we went to Trader Joe's to be grumpy together and spoil ourselves with treats.  That was awesome.  We cheered each other up and bought a bunch of good stuff for Sunday brunch.  After shopping we came home and watched Avatar.  It has all of the messed up racist undertones of Ferngully, Dances With Wolves, and Disney's Pocahontas.  I had to keep reminding myself to just look at the pretty pictures and not listen go the terrible dialogue.  

When people came over for brunch on Sunday they brought over a bunch of goodies (i.e. ice cream, fancy juice for mimosas, vegan and gluten free cupcakes, coconut adobo, etc.).  It was really chill (which is what I like) and I got to spend time with lovely people that I don't see very often.  I was very satisfied with how that went and I felt much less like a friendless loser.  Also my dad called me at midnight at the official start of my birthday so that was nice.

Monday, the official birthday, I had a super slow morning.  First, I had a Skype appointment with my therapist to get my head shrunk.  Second, I gave myself the biweekly T shot.  Then, I made my way down to the Olympus Women's Spa in Lakewood.  My time is limited there since I am not on testosterone.  Once I start getting manly, I won't be able to go.  There is free entrance on your birthday until 2012.  I bought myself a body scrub so I could be manhandled and sanded down by a burly Korean woman.  Now, I'm smooth as a baby's bottom.  After spending several hours soaking and laying on hot stones, I stopped by the Korean market for some grub.  Bliss...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ice blocking canceled

I had to cancel the event due to lack of participation. Today sucks.
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Birthday Blues

So, I planned a 3 part birthday extravaganza for myself: ice blocking on Saturday, brunch on Sunday, and the spa on Monday.  I don't think anyone is really going to come to any of it.  All the cool people at my job are working this weekend.  I have a friend in Oly that was supposed to come, but his dog just died.  Some people are out of town.  Most of the people I invited didn't bother to even say if they were going or not (which means they're not going).  Some people had to cancel last minute.

Getting stood up is something that I am extremely sensitive to and this is going to be that but times a million.  Normally I don't plan anything more than a drink for my birthday because it doesn't set a very high expectation and it is pretty low stress.  Last year for my birthday I celebrated it with a bunch of lovely expats that I was just getting to know and was also missing all the homies back in the U.S.  I couldn't wait to come back and hang out with all of them and I got a lot of messages of love and support.  Now that I am actually back stateside, people don't seem very interested in me, which is really twisted.

I haven't actually done any of my birthday stuff yet so this is probably premature disappointment.  I guess I just feel very unspecial at the moment.  I almost wish I was in a relationship so that someone would be obligated to spoil me and give me awesome surprises.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Newish job

So, I moved into a new position last week at the food coop which means a $1 raise.  Instead of bagging groceries I am working in the deli now.  The people are still cool in this department.  The best thing about working in this store is all the employees and their awesomeness.  That is definitely one of my top requirements for good working conditions.  I'm still getting used to all the new things I have to do.  They have also put me on the closing shift which means I work 3 pm-11:30 pm.  Since I am such a morning person, I thought I would hate it, but I actually quite like the hours.  It gives me all of this free time during the day to do whatever I want.  Also, I won't be as affected by the shorter day hours.  I used to hate going to work in the mornings when it was dark and then leaving work when it got dark again.  This will help with my seasonal depression.  My benefits should also kick in soon which I am really excited about (how adult).  I need some new glasses, a physical, pelvic exam, etc.

I do miss my other position a little bit, especially working with the customers (which is surprising).  It was a daily source of entertainment - people do such weird things all the time and it's fascinating.  I like to make up stories and develop people's characters based on my limited interactions with them at the check stand and what they buy.  In the deli, there is much less interaction, so the customers aren't as entertaining.  I do get to shoot the shit more with the deli people which is really fun plus I hang out with all the snacks/samples.