Saturday, November 26, 2011

Post Thanksgiving Catch Up

I haven't spent Thanksgiving with my dad in a few years now.  This year I couldn't get the time off since I work at a grocery store/food coop.  Obviously, it's the busiest time of the year.  Unless there is some drastic employment change, Christmas will be the same story.  It's disheartening.  There is a lot wrong with the holidays, but I will show up for the food, the more awesome members of my family, and the homies.

I ended up spending Thanksgiving at my friend Norman's Party.  (I know it's a problematic holiday that exists in direct contradiction to the genocide of first nation people.  I go back and forth about whether or not to celebrate it.)  This was probably the gayest Thanksgiving I have ever been to.  It was awesome.  the spread included such delights as proscuitto lollipops, wasabi deviled eggs (my contribution), little smokies wrapped in bacon and caramelized brown sugar, fancy cheeses, cava, a turkey basted in white wine and butter, the creamiest mashed potatoes, boeuf bourguignon, a bloody mary bar with bacon vodka and homemade everything....MMmmmMMmmmm...  The company was great and there were dogs EVERYWHERE.  It was fantastic!

I'll try to be more active on my blog so that you don't think I'm dead.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Today is my Friday!

This is the last day of my 9 day work week. Yay! I have the next two days off. For Thanksgiving I'm going to my friend Norman's. Friday is set aside to chill with my buddy, Annie. We might make it a Korean spa day. This is going to be a much needed respite.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Busy November!

I have really been neglecting my blogging duties.  This fall has gone by so fast.  I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving!  I've been working a lot lately (I got scheduled for 9 days in a row) and my next day off isn't until Thanksgiving Day.  I can't help but whine about this.  Customer service work is always so draining for me.  It's hard not to roll my eyes and make bitchy comments when I'm feeling burnt out.  I can hang in there, I think. It's almost over. My coworkers are all pretty awesome and that helps.

This year I will be spending Thanksgiving with lovely friends.  Since I work at a food coop, it's really difficult to get any days off during high volume holiday shopping times.  After missing out on American holiday festivities last year in Barcelona (even if that meant my ritual holiday grumblings) I'm a little sad that I am going to have to spend it away from family and old SoCal friends again.

In other news, I got approved to increase my dose of testosterone from 25 mg to 50 mg.  I'm healthy and much happier with this treatment.  Since starting hormone therapy, I feel a lot more sane.  Some have even called me "friendly" and "bubbly".  I know, right?  It's just further confirmation that hormone therapy is the right thing for me to do.

I recently visited SIOM, another acupuncture school in Seattle.  There program seems really great and I am very much considering attending there. I have also started the enrollment process at South Seattle Community College so hopefully I will be able to start doing my prerequisites as early as January 2012.  This whole acupuncture thing is coming along slowly, but surely.  Despite grumblings about work, I'm fairly happy with where I am at.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween fun times!

On Saturday my friends and I got dressed up and went out for the Halloween festivities.  Maxx was a hamster, Annie was a rabid raccoon, and I was a crazy cat lady.

I didn't get off of work till 11:30 pm so we had a late start.  We started out at Baja and that was wild, as usual.  We stayed till close and at one point the staff ran around open pouring tequila into everyone's mouths.  After Baja, we headed over to the not-so-racist Halloween party.  It was great to be in a space filled with awesome QPOCs instead of drunken white sorority girls dressed as Pocahontas.  We were only there for a hot minute then headed over to the International District for some food.  Surprisingly, there are very few places open late in Seattle.  Purple Dot was too crowded so we opted for Honey Court.  It was crazy in there!  The servers were actually running full speed across the restaurants trying to do their job. I had some insanely good curry chicken noodle soup.  We didn't get home till after 4 AM.  Fortunately, I didn't work till 3 pm the next day.  Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep in past 9 AM.  Work was brutal.

Monday I had off from work so I met my friend Jace for lunch and then later that night went out for my friend, Elroy's, birthday. Tonight I am going to my friend Simon's birthday dinner.  I just finished making braised eggplant for my party contribution.  I always forget that I am a social creature.