Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Things in Victoria

I had my heart set on going to Wu Hsing Tao for acupuncture school upon returning from Barcelona, but since I am still unemployed and most definitely not financially stable that is not happening in the near future.  I decided to see a couple of schools in Victoria: Pacific Rim College and Oshio.  They're both really cool, but very different from each other.  One quarter at Wu Hsing Tao is about $6,000.  One year at either of the Victoria schools is about $7500.  The price difference is ridiculous.  This isn't really any sort of plan, just some thoughts and possibilities.

While I was off looking at the schools, Tita Baby and Auntie Linda went on a hunt for the coveted LANZONES.  They found some in Chinatown for $8 a bundle.  Filipinos, be jealous.  For whatever reason this stuff is not imported into the U.S.  Hah!

I also took a couple touristy photos of Auntie Linda:

Monday, July 25, 2011

Quick pick-me-up

I was feeling blue about my ridiculously unstable life...then I remembered this...YES

Sittin' by the dock

My "Check Engine" light had been on for about a month so I took it into the shop bright and early Monday morning.  Duke and I hung out around downtown Sidney for a few hours waiting for it to get fixed.  It was finally feeling summery.

I had to miss my bi-weekly therapy session on Skype, which was unfortunate.  Timing was an issue, plus, I didn't have anywhere private to talk.  Before coming back to the U.S. I was having weekly meetings with my therapist and it's been hard to adjust to the lack thereof.   Money and an appropriate space haven't been available as regularly as before.

When we returned to the shop, they told me rats tried to eat my car.  Oh well.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Butchart Gardens with Auntie Linda

Auntie Linda and I went to the Butchart Gardens on Saturday evening.  The last time I was there was 2002 with my high school homies.  It was hard not to run over the screaming children and oblivious, gawky tourists with Auntie Linda's wheelchair.  Also, just because a place has ramps does not mean it is wheelchair accessible.  That was an unexpected workout!  Despite the crowds, the fireworks display was pretty cool and the gardens were beautiful.  I don't have a grownup camera or actual photography skills so my pitiful photos will just have to do.  

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Post Surgery with Tita Baby

The surgery went well and Tita Baby is resting overnight at Victoria General Hospital. She was anxious going in and is glad to have it over with. I will be picking her up tomorrow at 9 am and then we're having lunch with Tito Ivan at her house (Auntie Linda volunteered me to cook).

She got a fancy room all to herself on the top floor. This is the view:

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Out and about in Sidney, B.C.

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Tranny Juice Box

I spoke with the pharmacy this morning.  They can't send my stuff to Canada so it will be waiting for me at home when I get back.  Yay!

In other news, I picked up Auntie Linda from the airport yesterday.  Victoria's airport is about the size of a strip mall.  Duke is doing fine.  He is hanging out on the porch.  He gets to sleep inside with me now since no one is renting the downstairs room.  Auntie Linda's wheel chair is falling apart so we are going to Sidney later to have it fixed at a bike shop and to do some last minute shopping before Tita Baby's surgery tomorrow.

The weather is actually pretty sunny at the moment which is better than when I left Seattle.  I've been taking Duke on some awesome walks around here.  There are a bunch of little trails that lead to the water.  This morning Duke and I watched a great blue heron hunting; it was only about 10 m away.

I'll start taking/posting some photos later.

Tranny Juice Box

I spoke with the pharmacy this morning.  They can't send my stuff to Canada so it will be waiting for me at home when I get back.  Yay!

In other news, I picked up Auntie Linda from the airport yesterday.  Victoria's airport is about the size of a strip mall.  Duke is doing fine.  He is hanging out on the porch.  He gets to sleep inside with me now since no one is renting the downstairs room.  Auntie Linda's wheel chair is falling apart so we are going to Sidney later to have it fixed at a bike shop and to do some last minute shopping before Tita Baby's surgery tomorrow.

The weather is actually pretty sunny at the moment which is better than when I left Seattle.  I've been taking Duke on some awesome walks around here.  There are a bunch of little trails that lead to the water.  This morning Duke and I watched a great blue heron hunting; it was only about 10 m away.

I'll start taking/posting some photos later.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

En route to Sidney, B.C.

Currently Duke and I are sitting in the Jetta on a ferry headed to Swartz Bay.  I am going to help out Tita Baby for a few weeks.  Per usual, I was too early for my ferry so they changed my reservation from 3:00 to 2:00.  I brought my piano books to entertain myself.  It's been a while since I've had regular access to a  piano so that is pretty exciting.  I also brought my laptop to continue with the grueling job search.

I got my T letter last week after a minor clerical mix up.  It needs to be faxed to Stohecker's  in PDX so they can send me my stuff.  I was so excited an impatient; I wanted to take it ASAP before heading to Canada so I wouldn't have to worry about sending it to Vancouver island or wait until I got back to Seattle.  It all seems so close and so far away.  I can hardly contain myself!

I have started working on the vegetable garden,  little by little.  The northwest weather has not been very summery this year and my motivation to play in the dirt only comes in short bursts.  I've only cleaned out 3 of the 4 raised beds and I need to start some seeds when I get back.  I will aim for winter veggies and herbs since it's so late in the season.  My landlady is going to reimburse me for the cost of maintaining the beds which is super rad.

Duke has adjusted well to our new living situation.  He gets along famously with my roommate's dog, Oso.  there is a nice big yard and lovely parks nearby for them to run, poop, and play in.  It seems like whenever my dad calls me he wants to talk more about Duke than how I am doing.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bag o' bugs

Betty, Julz, and I were supposed to go digging for clams, but since it was raining, we decided to go to the Cajun Crawfish.  You order seafood by the pound and it comes in a big plastic bag.  Place settings=plastic bib, a fat roll of paper towels, a paper table cloth, and a bucket.  We decided on a couple pounds of crawfish with the "Boom Bang" sauce.  It was pretty awesome overall.  The only thing that bothered me was that the price of the bread on the menu was different than what they actually charged (which was more expensive).    

 Betty and I in our bibs gettin' hangry


Cajun fries

Crawfish 101

The bloody aftermath

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Goodbye lardy beans, hello T!

I'm getting my testosterone prescription!  The fasting test came back with the triglycerides only slightly elevated.  Goodbye fatty meat products and fried foods!

Here is the new blog, for real

I was going to consolidate my blogging onto Tumblr, but I didn't like the features they had on it for longer posts.  It is great for sharing/reposting photos, links, and songs so I will continue that there.  Sorry everyone for all of the confusion.  I will be chipping away at the construction of the site little by little.  Suggestions for improvement are always welcome.