Sunday, August 7, 2011

Super duper week

Monday was my first T shot.  I messed up and didn't put enough in the needle so I had to inject myself twice.  I'm not afraid of needles to it wasn't that bad.  I haven't noticed any differences yet, but it has only been a week.  I also had an interview at a local food coop for a position in the deli.

Tuesday I had another interview with a nonprofit that wants to promote leadership in marginalized communities.  

On Wednesday night I picked up Yuh-line at SeaTac, hooray!  She recently graduated with her Masters and came back to the Northwest to hang with her loved ones.  She accidentally booked herself a flight to Seattle from NYC instead of to Portland so I had to pick her up and drive her down.  Her family was visiting from China, so it was a pretty big deal that she get to see them.  Here is an extra serious photo of Yuh-line...

This weekend was Gender Odyssey.  I got up early Friday morning so that I could volunteer with the shuttle service.  I have volunteered/attended the last three conferences and it is always an amazing experience.  This year I was more excited to see the regulars than to attend the actual workshops (which were great).  By Saturday I was feeling a little run down and decided to stay home and resist whatever bug has been floating around.  
Sick face
Duke was having sympathy pains.

Jace and Michelle crashed at my place that night since they were up from Olympia for the conference.  We went out for some delicious Ethiopian food at Altaye and split a quality bottle of wine.

I woke up on Sunday still feeling like crap, but I decided it was totally worth it to go to the last day of conference.  I went to two of the best workshops I have been to in a long time and I got to say goodbye to all the wonderful people that come to the conference.  

To finish off the weekend, my roommates and I got free tickets to go see Planet of the Apes and drink a giant Icee.  It was weirdly inspiring in a revolutionary/animal rights way.  

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